5 Big Advantages of Document Scanning
January 28, 2016
One of the main functions of any business in today’s rapidly changing, hyper-competitive marketplace is to be constantly on the lookout for new processes to improve productivity.
Better use of your employees’ time is just one of the many advantages of digitizing your business documents. Here are five big advantages of utilizing document scanning services:
1. Maximize Office Space
When you scan documents, you eliminate the need to keep the originals close at hand. That means they can be stored in warehouse space or at an off-site document storage facility. The freed-up office space can then be re-purposed for core business activities and/or adding staff, thereby avoiding a costly office expansion.
2. Data Protection
The more handling a paper document goes through, the less secure is the information it contains. Paper can be damaged, stolen, lost or destroyed. Scanned documents offer a number of security and safety features that paper just can’t match;
- Limited security access
- Always available
- No risk of damage
- Meet data security compliance
3. Towards a Paperless Office
While we’re not likely to be completely paper-free in our lifetime, you can make your business more efficient and environmentally friendly by reducing your reliance on paper document storage. And you’ll reduce your paper and stationery costs.
4. Improve Customer Service
Most businesses that use paper documents for customer service purposes probably don’t realize how much it costs to do so, including a damaged reputation due to slower service response times. From keyword searches and cross-referenced documents, to faster distribution of documents to interested parties, digitized documents offer a number of benefits to maximize your customer service.
5. Increase Productivity
Yes, we mentioned this before, but no matter how many times we say it, it is still not fully appreciated as a benefit of document scanning. Think about the process of an employee retrieving a paper document; that document then being unavailable to anyone else; the time it takes the document to travel from one stakeholder to the next; the downtime incurred when the document’s location can’t be pinpointed; and the cost when the document isn’t returned to its proper place in a timely manner; all of which is eliminated or significantly reduced by digitizing the document.
If you’re not sure about the logistics of making the switch to digital documents, call Papersavers today at 1-888-513-1163. One of our representatives will be happy to answer all your questions.