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document scanning for compliance requirements

How Document Scanning Helps You Meet Compliance Requirements

February 24, 2017


Imagine a world where, any time you needed a document, you opened the file drawer and, magically, there it was, the exact document you needed, at your fingertips in seconds.

If you have to imagine that scenario, and you’re not actually living it, it might be time to consider scanning your corporate documents and records.

One of the biggest attractions of always having docs and information at hand is the fact that you didn’t have to spend any time finding that one single piece of paper.

While saving time and increasing productivity are important, having your documents securely available online, accessible anytime and anywhere, also helps you meet many of your corporate compliance requirements.

1. Preparing for an Audit

Be they internal or external, audits can be stressful for your accounting department, and the auditors, especially if yours is a strictly paper-based system. If even a single document is missing or difficult to locate, it can cause an inordinate delay in the process.

Scanned documents let your accounting department better prepare for an audit and be more responsive to any auditor requests.

2. Creating an Audit Trail

Corporations have a duty to safeguard data and financial information. Scanned documents can be protected by electronic audit trails to keep your customer, employee and corporate information safe. It gives you a complete record of every touch point in the life of your documents so that you can precisely pinpoint any breaches in compliance.

3. Maintaining an Efficient Records Management System

The need to keep different corporate records for different amounts of time creates two big problems for any company. First, the ability to identify which records should be kept and which should be shredded. And second, maintaining storage space for all your paper records. Scanned documents let you precisely specify how long a document should be kept and helps you keep document storage space to a minimum.

Scanned corporate documents deliver many more benefits to your organization. If yours remains a paper-based company, it’s time to explore the advantages of scanning and storing your document electronically.

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