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Consider All the Benefits of Off-Site Document Storage

November 15, 2015


If there is one truth for companies of all sizes, from one-person shops to the largest multi-nationals, it is that, sooner or later, they will have to find a solution to document storage.

Many businesses don’t know they have a problem until they find themselves running out of space to store their records.

But, while it’s a huge bonus, freeing up office space is definitely not the only advantage to storing documents off-site.

When companies consider all the other benefits, it suddenly makes lots of sense to find a reliable document storage company to manage their records;

Data Security

Many businesses underestimate the risk of keeping their paper records on their premises. Access by unauthorized employees, suppliers and contractors can result is serious and costly data loss – not to mention if someone breaks in and gets your sensitive financial information.

Higher Productivity

One of the most underestimated costs of in-house records storage is the lost productivity due to the length of time it takes to find and retrieve information. Off-site document storage systems make if faster and easier to get the information you need.

Better Document Management

What happens when an employee accesses a document from your records and fails to return it, or returns it to the wrong place? The result could mean long delays in finding the document again, or having to deal with the consequences of not producing the document in a timely manner

The problem with thinking that off-site document storage only saves space is that it makes it difficult to assess the full value of the service. In most cases, just the reduction in lost productivity is more than enough to offset the cost of off-site storage. And what’s the value of peace of mind?

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