4 Items You Should Have in a Corporate Recycling Program
March 28, 2018
Waste-recycling programs are not usually at the top of corporate to-do lists. Even when they are, they usually revolve around reducing and recycling paper, including corporate documents.
But there are a number of additional items in a business that can also be recycled in ways that helps reduce waste and also reduce some of the risks the company faces.
1. Electronics Recycling
Electronics waste and the hazardous compounds used in their manufacture are among the most serious threats to the environment.
Effective electronics recycling plans include items like computer CPUs, monitors, laptops and tablets, printers, photocopiers and all their associated cables and accessories.
2. Certified Hard Drive and Media Destruction
This one not only helps you recycle, but it protects your sensitive corporate information too. One gigabyte of hard drive space can hold over 3,500 Word-type documents. That’s a lot of information to leave hanging around on an old hard drive in your storage room. And it’s a lot of risk for your business.
3. Battery Recycling
When you consider batteries used in smartphones and other electronics, wireless mice, and even the remote control units in conference rooms, most companies probably use and dispose of, more batteries than they think. But batteries are also among the items that are particularly bad for the environment when they are simply thrown out.
4. Toner/Ink Cartridge Recycling
This one can start even before it’s time to recycle the cartridges. You can make toner and ink cartridges last longer by instituting programs to reduce paper document printing and photocopying. And when you make them last longer, you lower the costs of replacing them by doing so less often.
If you would like to learn more about how to recycle even more of the materials your business uses, call Papersavers today.