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Why Paper Recycling is So Important Part One

April 08, 2011


    Paper is something that we use a lot and we use it for almost everything we do – whether it is in business to print out orders and file documents and bills, whether it is for hobbyist reasons to write and draw, or whether it is for our personal files and forms. Every single day a whole range of different papers come through our letterbox – bills, cards, adverts and more – and every single day we likely take them and throw them in the bin (yes, even the bills that we maybe shouldn’t be). This then means that we are wasting an awful lot of paper unless you use paper recycling in order to make sure that you are able to ensure that paper still goes to good use.
    And wasting paper is a serious issue which is what makes paper recycling so vitally important and such a good cause. Here we will look at just why paper recycling is such an important thing and how it helps our planet in all manner of ways.

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