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How to Keep Your Company’s Confidential Documents More Secure

July 05, 2021


Of course, most businesses do their best to keep confidential documents and the sensitive corporate and personal information they contain as secure as possible. But, even if your business has comprehensive confidential information security measures in place, it may not be enough to protect your company.

The variety of documents that carry sensitive information, and the breadth of information that could pose a risk to your company if it fell into the wrong hands, is often underestimated by businesses.     

4 Ways to Keep Sensitive Documents More Secure

If you want to make sure you protect access to confidential data and avoid the potential consequences of not doing so, including a costly data breach, consider the following points and a matter of policy.

  1. Train Your Employees – It’s not enough to get everyone to sign a confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure agreement. All that does is give you someone to blame. It doesn’t protect you from the issues you face by not protecting confidential corporate or personal data, or meeting privacy compliance requirements.

    Making data protection an integral part of their training underlines its importance to your workforce. 
  2. Create and Adhere to a Document Retention Schedule – Information is no longer at risk of being lost or stolen if it no longer exists. A comprehensive records management document retention schedule will ensure your paper document are certifiably destroyed by a paper shredding service. 
  3. Have a Secure Document Storage Option – If your facility doesn’t have secure space for document storage, you need to either create it or find a third-party document storage company. 
  4. Limit Online Access – The James Bond “For Your Eyes Only” level of security is not out of line for any business. From ensuring secure personal passwords to controlling access to digital documents, take every step you can to protect your digital documents and information.

If you’re looking for a shredding service to help you protect your confidential documents, check out our article “How to Choose a Shredding Company”.

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