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How to sharpen a portable shredding machine

June 16, 2011


Portable paper shredding machine is a common household tool. They are used for home offices. They are very practical to use and they help you destroy confidential files before throwing them out. However with constant usage, shredder blades get dull and do not work as efficiently as before. Most people would simply throw their shredders away and simply replace it with a new one. Though this is a good idea, it is also very impractical because there are ways that you can do to sharpen your paper shredder. Here is a step by step procedure that you can follow:

Step 1: Get an aluminum foil
A kitchen aluminum foil is very cheap, if you don’t have one in your kitchen simply get it from a convenience store. Cut the foil into 8 ½ x 11” paper sized pieces. You may want to cut 10 or more for optimum sharpening.

Step 2: Feed the foil into the shredding machine
Next thing is to feed the foil into the shredder like you would with a regular piece of paper. Keep feeding the shredding machine with the rest of the aluminum foil until you ran out of them. Check the shredder using a regular piece of paper. You will soon notice how sharp it becomes. Do this process every once in a while.

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