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Earth Day April 2016

Did You Take Part in Earth Day?

April 25, 2016


Last Friday, April 22, was Earth Day. Since 1991, Earth Day has been a time when individuals and businesses alike take the time to reduce their energy consumption, clean-up their communities, reduce their waste, and increase their recycling.

But, if you or your company didn’t have any formal activities for Earth Day, it doesn’t mean you’re not helping the environment. Many businesses now have green compliance initiatives in place because they know that customers are increasingly looking to work with environmentally responsible partners.

So, instead of green initiatives being a cost item, they are actually a way to promote your business in an already competitive landscape.

Whether or not your company has a formal program, you can always do more to help reduce your consumption, recycle paper and waste and generally be a more sustainable business – and a more attractive business partner.

1. Recycle Office Paper & Cardboard

While many businesses have a paper recycling program, by adding collection containers beside every desk and work station, they make it easier for every employee to recycle.

2. Electronic Media Destruction and Recycling

Hard drives, cellphones, CPUs, printers and other media hardware are full of toxic materials. When you have media properly destroyed and recycled, not only do you protect your company’s sensitive information, you keep many harmful compounds from damaging the environment.

3. Cans, Bottles and Plastics

Encouraging your employees to bring their own lunches and meals is a great way to reduce their dependence on unhealthy fast foods at lunchtime. By making it easier to dispose of their lunch and drink containers in an environmentally sustainable way, you encourage healthier eating habits, which pay off in higher productivity.

4. Batteries, Lighting and Toner

When they are disposed of in the regular waste, batteries, light bulbs and tubes, and toner and ink cartridges will continue to pollute landfills for decades. Recycle them and keep their harmful contents out of the environment.

Be A Good Corporate Citizen – Your customers, suppliers, employees and investors appreciate when your business does its part to ensure a sustainable future for everyone.

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