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How on-site document shredding works

How On-Site Document Shredding Works

May 27, 2018


Once you make the decision to use a document shredding company to certifiably destroy the information on your corporate documents, you’ll have a number of options for the actual shredding of the documents. One of those is on-site shredding.

What is On-Site Shredding?

On-site shredding means that the NAID AAA-Certified destruction of your documents happens at your place of business, using the shredding company’s mobile shredding trucks.

Why Would I Choose On-Site Shredding?

On-site shredding offers two main advantages: speed and peace of mind.

Considering that your documents don’t have to be transported to an off-site shredding center. The fastest way for you to shred documents in through on-site shredding.

Even though your documents can be certifiably destroyed on-site or off-site, many companies prefer to know that the documents, and the information they contain, never leave their premises before being destroyed. On-site shredding gives them this assurance.

How Do I Get On-Site Shredding?

It’s entirely up to you. You can choose a scheduled service where the mobile shredding truck visits your place of business weekly, biweekly, monthly or bi-monthly. You could also choose an ‘on-call’ service where you call ahead to schedule your on-site shredding.

What Must I Do to Prepare Documents for On-Site Shredding?

Like all document shredding, there will be two basic types of documents you need to shred. Corporate records, those that must be stored for a certain amount of time to comply with legal requirements. They will follow a retention schedule that you can use to determine which records are ready for shredding.

You will also have day-to-day documents, those that result from the printing of electronic files and/or photocopying. Your document shredding company should provide a variety of collection containers, secure and unsecure as needed, to give you a convenient way to collect these types of documents.

How Can I Find Out More About On-Site Shredding?

That’s easy, contact us here at Papersavers. We’d be happy to answer your questions or even schedule an on-site shredding visit.

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