How Much Document Storage Do You Need?
March 20, 2023 -
Document storage is useful if you have large amounts of physical documentation. You don’t want to misplace any documents, and chances are you want them organized and easily accessible. Especially with personal or confidential documents, you need them safely stored so they don’t get into the wrong hands or misplaced. Here are a few ways […]
3 Big Benefits of Digital Document Management
March 31, 2016 -
Let’s look at your company’s largest expenditures and sources of revenue Even if you company has only a few employees, they are very likely your single highest cost. The larger the business, the larger is the percentage of employee costs of the overall costs of running the business. How do you generate revenue? If you’re […]
3 Ways Your On-Site Document Storage Kills Productivity
December 22, 2015 -
It’s the way it’s always been. You have a space in your business that you use to keep sensitive documents and your company’s records. It’s nice having it close at hand whenever you need to get a document. Yet, space is tight and it’s not always easy to find what you need, but it would […]